Appointment Reminder

Patient care is not just providing treatments, it starts from a personal care to inform patient well in advance about their appointment and do provide them some idea about out of pockets and various ways of payment modes.

treoS Inc provides a wide range of medical billing services that facilitates a healthcare providers in improving the functioning of their overall revenue cycle as well as their customer service that is patients’ experience.

Appointment reminder is one important service which enhances customer service to patients and there by increased cash flow before the procedure than waiting on collection agencies to chase the patients on a accumulated bill.

Of course, it does sound courteous to patient on receiving a call from Doctors office to hear reminder of their appointment. treoS would extract appointments scheduled 2 weeks in advance to reach out to patients to place the reminders, followed by text messages at preferred intervals by the practice.

This practice not only minimize number of NCNS (No call No Show) but also provides a chance to patient to reschedule their appointments on the same call. It will also eliminate NCNS charges from the AR report, as they must be eventually written off by the provider.

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